Poste: Consultant developpeur
Nom de l'entreprise: Non défini
Localisation: Non défini
Type de Contrat : Non défini
Temps de travail: Non défini
Rémuneration: 36000
Publiée : il y a 370 jours

Description: Non défini

Poste: Developpeur java
Nom de l'entreprise: Non défini
Localisation: Non défini
Type de Contrat : Non défini
Temps de travail: Non défini
Rémuneration: 50000
Publiée : il y a 11 mois

Description: Non défini

Poste: data engineer
Nom de l'entreprise: Non défini
Localisation: Non défini
Type de Contrat : Non défini
Temps de travail: Non défini
Rémuneration: 32000
Publiée : il y a 8 mois

Description: Non défini

Poste: ingenieur reseau
Nom de l'entreprise: Non défini
Localisation: Non défini
Type de Contrat : Non défini
Temps de travail: Non défini
Rémuneration: 45523666
Publiée : il y a 8 mois

Description: Non défini

Poste: Commercial
Nom de l'entreprise: HM
Localisation: Velizy
Type de Contrat : Non défini
Temps de travail: Non défini
Rémuneration: 35000
Publiée : il y a 8 mois

Description: Les qualités requises d'un commercial sont : le goût du contact (facilité d'écoute, d'échange et de dialogue) le dynamisme pour vendre et atteindre les objectifs fixés le goût pour les défis l'organisation, la rigueur pour la négociation l'enthousiasme la patience la persévérance le sens de la persuasion Commerce et de la vente ; Diplôme d'école consulaire dépendant des chambres de commerce et d'industrie (CCI) ; Diplôme d'école de gestion et de commerce (EGC) ; Diplôme des académies commerciales internationales (ACI). Niveau bac + 4 et bac + 5 : Diplôme des écoles de commerce et de gestion ; Master pro des secteurs du commerce et de la vente.

Nom de l'entreprise: Bouygues Telecom
Localisation: 10 CHEMIN PETIT 69300 CALUIRE ET CUIRE
Type de Contrat : CDI
Temps de travail: Temps plein
Rémuneration: 50000
Publiée : il y a 2 mois

Description: Description de la mission Chez Bouygues Telecom, nous pensons que notre première richesse est avant tout la personnalité de nos collaborateurs/trices. Nous existons pour faire grandir les relations humaines car nous avons compris que pour faire avancer l’entreprise, il fallait avant tout vous faire progresser. #onestfaitpourêtreensemble Rejoignez l'équipe de Quetigny en tant que Responsable de boutique et devenez un(e) véritable promoteur de Bouygues Telecom !   Engagé(e) à l'idée de faire vivre une expérience unique à nos clients et de développer le business de votre point de vente, vos principales missions seront de : - Accompagner et faire grandir ton équipe au quotidien sur le discours clients et les techniques de vente à travers du coaching, des formations et un suivi personnalisé ; - Analyser et piloter les performances commerciales pour atteindre les objectifs fixés dans un univers concurrentiel et en perpétuelle évolution ; - Organiser l'activité de la boutique et veiller à la bonne application des standards et des procédures liées au secteur des télécoms.   Notre définition du Responsable de boutique accompli ? Une personne fédératrice et positive qui saura créer un environnement propice à la réussite de son équipe, dont la force sera d'allier son sens du commerce et son leadership pour relever des défis toujours plus stimulants ! Les plus :  - Formation pour appréhender l'univers de la télécommunication et le métier de Responsable point de vente - Rémunération stimulante composée d’un fixe et d’un variable non plafonné sur 13 mois - Prise en charge des frais de transport en commun à 90% - Carte ticket-restaurant - Et bien d'autres encore…. Détail du profil Que vous soyez expert(e) ou amateur(trice) des nouvelles technologies, votre profil nous intéresse ! Une expérience significative dans le management d'équipe est requise. Réseau Club Bouygues Telecom est une société handi-accueillante. Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.

Poste: Responsable Communication Digitale
Nom de l'entreprise: Prestige du communication
Localisation: Kayes
Type de Contrat : CDI
Temps de travail: Temps plein
Rémuneration: Selon le profil
Publiée : il y a 2 mois

Description: MISSIONS : Votre mission consistera à : Concevoir et exécuter des stratégies de communication alignées avec les objectifs de l'Orange Digital Center Mali. Animer les plateformes de médias sociaux du Centre pour accroître la visibilité et l'engagement. Développer du contenu attrayant et pertinent pour les canaux en ligne (articles de blog, infographies, vidéos, etc.) en étant en étroite collaboration avec l’agence DFA. Animer les différents comptes des réseaux sociaux, y compris la création de publications, la réponse aux commentaires et messages. Couvrir les évènements internes et externes de ODC en prenant des photos et des snacks vidéos pour alimenter les pages sociales. Planifier et coordonner des campagnes digitales (publicités en ligne, emailing, etc.) pour promouvoir les activités et les événements. Analyser les performances des campagnes et des initiatives digitales à l'aide d'outils d'analyse et ajuster les stratégies en conséquence. Collaborer avec les équipes internes pour assurer la cohérence de la marque et de la communication. Présentation de rapports bien élaborés présentant les métriques des différents objectifs Activités principales : ¦ Créer et planifier le calendrier éditorial des réseaux sociaux ¦ Concevoir et produire du contenu visuel et écrit attrayant pour les différents canaux ¦ Maintenir une interaction proactive avec les abonnés et les membres de la communauté. ¦ Surveiller et analyser les performances des publications et des campagnes sur les réseaux sociaux et ajuster la stratégie en conséquence pour maximiser l'engagement et la portée. ¦ Identifier et créer du contenu pertinent et engageant, en mettant en valeur les activités, les programmes et les réussites du Centre. ¦ Répondre aux commentaires, aux questions et aux messages des utilisateurs sur les réseaux sociaux de manière rapide, professionnelle et engageante, en veillant à maintenir une bonne réputation en ligne pour ODC.

Poste: Financial Analysts
Nom de l'entreprise: USAID/Mali Office
Localisation: Bamako
Type de Contrat : CDD
Temps de travail: Temps partiel
Rémuneration: Selon le profil
Publiée : il y a 2 mois

Description: Description 2Vacant Positions advertisement: USAID/Mali Office of Financial Management – Financial Analysts For detailed minimum requirements, applicants must refer to the Full Statement of Duties and the qualification requirements available on or REF No.: 72068824R10010 (must be inserted in the subject line of the email) GRADE LEVEL: 24,740,169 – 38,347,257 FCFA equivalent to FSN-11. In accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan of USAID/Mali. Final compensation will be negotiated within the listed market value. ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: Cooperating country national (CCN) – an individual who is a cooperating country citizen or a non-cooperating country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country. Only pre-selected candidates will be contacted. BASIC FUNCTIONS: The Financial Analyst (FA) positions, located in USAID/Mali, are members of the USAID/Mali Office of Financial Management. The FAs serve as the financial management experts for all USAID/Mali staff and as the OFM Controller’s representative regarding program activities in support of technical teams. They are empowered to perform financial management functions to achieve the program objectives including: (1) carrying out the financial aspects of implementing USAID programs and activities, (2) assessing their internal financial operations and practices, and (3) providing technical assistance to support the capacity development of local organizations and host government entities. The FAs receive technical direction and support from the OFM Supervisory Financial Analyst and maintains close working relations with the OFM Accounting and Voucher Examiner Sections, as well as with the OFM Controller/Deputy Controller, with whom they address major policy and operational issues. MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Program Funds Management/Monitoring/Financial Analysis 35% The Financial Analysts perform financial analyses in close collaboration with Mission technical teams and makes recommendations on utilization of activity funds and pipeline management. The incumbents prepare and/or reviews financial sections of GLAAS requisitions, contracts, implementation letters, grants, cooperative agreements, Development Objective Agreement (DOAG), and other activity documents; perform funds control and funds availability functions; verify accuracy of financial accounting data and appropriateness of documentation presented to support accounting entries; identify and recommend adjusting entries to the accounts to bring the activity/program pipelines to accurate levels; review program activity vouchers, including advance requests and liquidations; and make appropriate recommendations to OFM’s payment section. The incumbents prepare and leads the quarterly financial review (QFR) to monitor and manage pipelines, obligations, and procurement plans. They participate in the Mission’s semi-annual technical teams’ performance reviews by providing relevant financial information and responding to inquiries and/or advising on funds disposition. The FAs perform a detailed 1311 review prepared by the technical teams on a quarterly basis (or more often if necessary) in order to validate obligations, earmarks, and commitment balances and assists in the Mission’s 1311 certification. They assist the technical teams in performing financial close-out of agreements and prepares appropriate accounting documents such as journal vouchers to adjust accounting data as necessary. They perform a detailed review of the accrual estimates prepared quarterly by the Contracting Officer’s Representatives/Agreement Officer’s Representatives (CORs/AORs) and ensure the documents have appropriate details to support the accrual amounts. The FAs collaborate with the technical teams to prepare and monitor the Program Support, Objective 6 budgets. Capacity Reviews, Assessments, and Audits 25% The Financial Analysts play a key role in risk mitigation and management for USAID/Mali. They assess prospective recipients’ administrative and institutional abilities to implement programs/activities; determine appropriateness and effectiveness of prospective recipients’ operational procedures and cash management practices; use professional judgment to provide an opinion on the confidence to be placed on the recipients’ internal controls; and offer advice to recipients on internal controls deficiencies and vulnerabilities and proposes solutions to identified problems; collaborate with the COR or AOR to develop Special Award Conditions to address and strengthen an organization’s administrative systems; perform site visits and financial reviews to monitor the financial and accounting performance of recipients and assure that implementation plans and procedures are being applied and that appropriate corrective measures are taken in a timely manner; write field trip reports to detail findings and recommendations. The incumbents participate as a member of the Missions’ Government-to-Government Assistance Teams (GAT) and conducts assessments on host government entities and ministries in accordance with USAID’s ADS 220 guidelines. They assist in the development of government risk mitigation plans and monitors implementation of the plans. The FAs implement and maintain the Audit Management Program for the Mission and coordinates with the Audit Management Officer (AMO) in accordance with USAID guidance and the General Accountability Office (GAO) Yellow Book; identify and control the Mission’s annual audit inventory and audit plan; coordinate the audit contracting process for the technical teams to include reviewing audit scopes of work; serve as the audit liaison for ongoing audits; monitor and clear audit recommendations by resolving financial and related problems and preparing supporting documentation for auditors; conduct foreign audit environment appraisals and audit firm assessments. The FAs are the point of contacts for all audit matters with the Regional Inspector General in Pretoria (RIG/Dakar). Internal and External Financial Management Capacity Building 20% The Financial Analysts provide technical guidance and capacity building on financial management procedures, accounting control requirements and local accounts financing to the technical teams and partners (host country officials, recipients, partners, USAID staff) in accordance with local laws, USAID and USG regulations, and best practices. They conduct organizational capacity assessments (OCAs) with local implementers to help organizations shape and set priorities for actions they can take to strengthen their capacity. They make recommendations on how best to incorporate capacity development activities with partners. They develop and lead capacity building workshops for implementing partners to improve their financial and awards management acumen. As members of the Office of Financial Management the FAs will provide excellent customer service to USAID/Mali staff. They work closely with Mission staff to train and advise on financial management topics, requirements, and regulations. The incumbents train technical office team members and implementing partners using available financial management tools and regulations in coordination with the Supervisory Financial Analyst. Strategy Development/Activity Design & Management Control Program 20% The Financial Analysts advise on the development of the strategic objective and results framework by preparing and/or reviewing financial sections of activity and agreement budgets. They advise the technical teams on how to develop the independent government cost estimate (IGCE) for activities. The incumbents provide the technical team pipeline reviews for obligations and serve as Program Managers in the Agency’s procurement system. They participate on activity design teams and serve on technical review panels for new proposals to provide financial management technical expertise. They advise contracting and agreement officers on advances, payment options, and award types based on the FAs’ organizational analysis. The Financial Analysts participate in post award meetings to explain the financial management aspects of the award. They review the financial sections of work plans and provide input to expenditure plans and budgets. The Financial Analysts assist in milestone development for fixed amount awards, review activity budget estimates, and incorporate the risk management plan into the activity design. The Financial Analysts assist the technical teams to conduct their annual Internal Control Assessment in accordance with the Federal Manager’s Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) of 1982 and the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) by: 1) advising on the control environment and how to assess risk, 2) performing testing of controls if deemed necessary, and 3) developing or improving control systems in order to address identified weaknesses. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education: A minimum of university degree in Business, Finance, or Accounting is required. Prior Work Experience: A minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in financial analysis, budgeting, auditing, and/or accounting is required. Language Proficiency: Level IV in English and French is required. Job Knowledge: A thorough knowledge and understanding of professional accounting principles, theories, practices, and terminology, as well as the principles and accepted practices of governmental and business financial accounting, budgeting, and reporting is required. A thorough knowledge of, or the ability to quickly gain such job knowledge as described in their PDs, of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), AID Acquisition Regulations, USAID accounting systems and procedures, USG contract/grant cost principles and administrative requirements, and audit management procedures, as well as other laws, regulations, and procedures associated with USAID financial management, is required. An understanding of, or the ability to quickly develop an understanding of, how USAID projects are designed, developed, implemented, and evaluated is essential. Skills and Abilities: The Financial Analysts must be able to make informed recommendations on institutional capabilities of prospective and/or current implementing organizations and the adequacy of accounting systems and controls; be able to develop and maintain contacts with USAID activity managers in order to ensure programs are carried out effectively; and be able to collect and present facts and recommendations in a clear, concise manner, both orally and in writing. In addition, the Financial Analysts must have a high level of analytical skill and sound judgment in order to effectively manage aspects of the Phoenix financial system to resolve problems, develop queries and reports, and recommend improvements, as well as to analyze relevant data, trends, and documentation for assessment and risk mitigation; be capable of performing under pressure in a mature and responsible manner; to work accurately with attention to detail in order to give precise direction; and to compile/present detailed information in a concise and fully professional manner; have excellent interpersonal and facilitating skills in order to maintain effective working relations and effectively coordinate actions; and to be innovative and a creative thinker in order to apply problem solving skills and in the development of specialized reports. They must be skilled in the use of computer based analytical programs, word processing, spreadsheets, and USAID data management systems. They must be able to mentor and teach colleagues on financial management principles Full statement of duties and qualification requirements are available on or EVALUATION AND SELECTION FACTORS: To be considered for this position, applicants must meet the minimum qualifications noted above. For applicants meeting the minimum qualifications, further consideration and selection will be based on panel assessment of the selection factors listed below. Prior Work Experience 40 points Job Knowledge 35 points Skills and Abilities 25 points Applicants may address each of the selection factors on a separate sheet or directly in the cover letter. For detailed minimum requirements, applicants must refer to the Full Statement of duties and the qualification requirements available on or TO APPLY: All CV/Resumes and cover letters must be in English, otherwise the application package is incomplete and will be rejected.
